Attleboro Lacrosse Association
Amended June 23, 2020
Article I: Name
The name of the organization shall be: ATTLEBORO LACROSSE ASSOCIATION
Article II: Purpose
The Attleboro Lacrosse Association is an independent organization that shall be comprised of parents and other volunteers interested in promoting boys and girls lacrosse in the city of Attleboro, Massachusetts and surrounding towns . The Attleboro Lacrosse Associations purpose is to engage in fund raising events in order to provide financial support to the student-athletes and youth lacrosse players in our area. The Attleboro Lacrosse Association may also raise funds to support charitable organizations and lacrosse programs at the discretion of its members.
Article III: Officers
Section 1.
The officers of this Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The officers of the Association shall constitute the Executive Board.
Section 2.
The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
Section 3.
The President may appoint chairperson of standing committees. Standing committees shall be Appreciation Coordinator, Apparel Coordinator and Communication Coordinator. Other standing committees shall be formed as necessary, with the approval of the Executive Board.
The officers of the Executive Board shall be elected for a TWO year term. Re-elections will occur at the corresponding annual meeting in October.
Section 5.
Vacancies on the Executive Board shall be filled by appointment made by the remaining Executive Board members.
Article IV: Duties of the Officers
Duties of President: It shall the duty of the President to take charge of the organization and to preside at all of the meetings of the organization. The President shall have the entire supervision and management of the organization, its property and to call special meetings. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 2.
Duties of the Vice President: It shall be the duties of the Vice President to assist the President in the discharge of his/her duties. In addition, in the absence of the President, the Vice President will assume the duties of the President and to officiate at any general membership or Board meetings.
Section 3.
Duties of the Treasurer: It shall be the duties of the Treasurer to be responsible for the funds of the organization. He/She shall keep a record of all receipts and disbursements, and shall render a written report at the general membership meetings or when requested by the President and/or Executive Board. The funds shall be deposited in a bank (currently Rockland Trust) approved by the Executive Board. All disbursements made by check shall be signed by the Treasurer, or the President of the organization.
Section 4.
Duties of the Secretary: It shall be the duties of the Secretary to keep minutes of the organization, and to supervise all reports and documents connected with the business of the organization. In addition, the Secretary shall supervise the correspondence of the organization, prepare and issue notices of all meetings including meetings of the Executive Board.
Article V: Membership
Section 1.
Membership in this organization shall be open to all individuals in agreement with the activities and principles promoted by the ATTLEBORO LACROSSE ASSOCIATION.
Section 2.
General members present will each be allowed one, non-transferable vote on any given motion that requires voting at any general or annual membership meetings. Members must have attended THREE previous meetings during the year to be allowed to vote at a general membership meeting.
Section 3.
Each member shall be supplied a copy of the by-laws and any subsequent amendments upon request.
Section 4.
General membership may be denied, revoked, or suspended due to either failure to maintain membership status, or by conduct that is deemed detrimental to the image and purpose of the organization. Denial, revocation, or suspension of membership must be executed by a 3/4 vote of the Executive Board. Such members may appeal the decision of the Board to a general membership meeting, which on a 2/3 vote may order reinstatement.
Article VI: Meetings
Section 1.
There shall be a general annual membership meeting of the organization held in the month of SEPTEMBER for the purpose of holding NOMINATIONS for the specific officers whose terms will be concluding the following month, receiving reports and transacting the business of the organization. The meeting shall be open to all active members in good standing. Notice of said meeting will be issued by the Secretary, and e-mailed to the last recorded address of each member in good standing at least fourteen (14) days prior to the time appointed meeting.
Section 2.
There shall be a general annual membership meeting of the organization held in the month of OCTOBER for the purpose of holding ELECTIONS for the specific officers whose terms will be concluding, receiving reports and transacting the business of the organization. The meeting shall be open to all active members in good standing.
Section 3.
Additional general membership meetings shall be regularly scheduled as recommended by the President, and/or any special committees and approved by the Executive Board.
Section 4.
Special general meetings shall be called by the President upon written request of five (5) general members. The President must state the objective(s) of the meeting. A seven (7) day advance notice is required to membership, and the meeting shall be limited to stated objectives.
Section 5.
The order of business at all meetings shall include: 1) Roll Call 2) Minutes from previous meeting 3) Treasurers’ report 4) Committee reports (if any) 5) Special reports (if any) 6) Old business 7) New BusinessSection 6.
The President may reschedule general membership meetings with proper notification.
Section 7.
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of all meetings.
Article VII: Executive Board Elections
Section 1.
The Executive Board consists of the the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2.
As not to have the entire Executive Board turn over every two years, elections for the following board positions will be done as such: The President and Secretary terms shall end in EVEN numbered years and the Vice President and Treasurer terms shall end in ODD numbered years.
Section 3.
At the September annual meeting, nominees for the Executive Board members whose terms are ending will be held.
Section 4.
Positions on the Executive Board will be filled by majority vote of the general membership during the annual October meeting.
Section 5.
All elected officers of the Attleboro High School Lacrosse Association are on a TWO (2) year term duration.
Section 6.
If there are no nominees for open positions on the Executive Board, the President may solicit and appoint suitable candidates from the general membership with existing Executive Board approval.
Article VIII: Funds
Section 1.
Adequate books of account shall be maintained by the Treasurer who shall be responsible thereof.
Section 2.
All checks shall be signed by the Treasurer or President.
Section 3.
The Executive Board shall appoint an individual and/or if necessary an accountant, not an officer, to review the Treasurers’ books annually.
Article IX: Amendments
The Articles of the Attleboro Lacrosse Association may be amended on prior notice at any meeting of this organization, by a majority vote of the members present, provided that prior notice of the proposed change was provided with all notices of the meeting.
Article X: Dissolution
Upon dissolution of the organization, any assets remaining after payment, or provision of payment of all debts and liabilities of this organization, shall be distributed to the youth lacrosse organization in Attleboro, Massachusetts.
If a youth lacrosse organization does not exist in Attleboro, Massachusetts, any assets remaining after payment or provision of payment of all debts and liabilities of this organization, shall be distributed to a nonprofit foundation associated with Attleboro High School, which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes. All final expenditures must be approved by a majority of the Executive Board.